The Editorial Team of the Journal of Liberal Arts & Human Sciences (JLAHS) aspires to maintain high research standards as well as strives to preserve academic integrity. JLAHS implements HEC’s Plagiarism Policy for all types of plagiarism and this policy is also followed in determining the originality of submitted content.
Turnitin software is used to evaluate submitted manuscripts. As per HEC guidelines, if the Similarity Index (SI) is <= 19%, then benefit of doubt may be given but if a single source has a SI of >= 5% without a citation, then the work needs to be reviewed. JLAHS will not accept any manuscript that engages in unacknowledged copying and/or attempted misleading of someone else’s original work. Rewording, text recycling, self-plagiarism and lack of citations are all considered plagiarism.
The Editor-in-Chief, the Editorial and Advisory Board will handle cases of plagiarism. JLAHS will contact the author’s institutions, funding agencies and other appropriate stakeholders. Upon confirmation of plagiarism, major revision or retraction of the manuscript will be done.